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NPSP 2023 Convention Registration

Please read the Data Privacy and Consent Statement below before accomplishing the registration form.

Data Privacy and Consent Statement

Through this registration form, the Natural Products Society of the Philippines (NPSP) will collect personal data from each respondent for use in the 2023 NPSP Conference. All information will be stored in a masterlist that will be part of the Society's official records of registered participants of the said event.

All information entered in this registration form are considered private and confidential, and shall only be used by the NPSP for purposes relevant to the 2023 NPSP E-Conference. 

By accomplishing this registration form, you consent to the collection, generation, use, processing, storage and retention of your personal data by the NPSP for the purpose(s) described in this document. 

Please ensure that you have completely read and understood the terms above before accomplishing this registration form. 

Note: Please choose Presenter if you are the main presenter of your poster. Otherwise, choose Co-author. Should the nature of your participation in the e-conference change between your date of registration and the date of the e-conference (i.e. Presenter to Co-author, or No to Yes as Presenter/Co-author), please promptly notify the Society at
Note: This is for documentation purposes only. Anyone can register for and participate in the virtual conference, whether registered NPSP member or not.

Registration Rates

- NPSP member: Php 800
- Non-NPSP member: Php 1000
- Undergraduate student: Php 500
- High School Faculty: Php 500
- Foreign participant: USD 100
- High School student: Free
Payment Instructions
Kindly make registration payments for the 2023 NPSP E-Convention to the following bank account:
Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands - Sampaloc Branch
Account Name: Natural Products Society of the Philippines
Account Number: 3093-5539-41
Note: Save a copy of your proof of payment for uploading in this registration form.

Please upload proof of payment of registration fee here*    

Note: Only paid registrants shall be admitted into the virtual conference room on the day of the convention. For high school students, please upload a picture of your valid ID instead of a proof of payment. 

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.

Note: Please use the format FIRST NAME_MIDDLE INITIAL_LAST NAME_(REGISTRATION AMOUNT). Separate entries with a semicolon. For high school students, kindly write "(HS)" in place of the registration amount. Example: Juan P. Dela Cruz (800); Juana P. Dela Cruz (800); Juan P Dela Cruz Jr. (HS)

IMPORTANT: All participants who are covered by bulk payments must accomplish the registration form individually.